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What is this all about?

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We are NOT building a Rec Center!

(at least not yet)

First we need to answer the following:

  • Do people want one?

  • Are people willing to pay for it?

  • What should be included?

  • Ownership/Management? 

  • Long Term Sustainability

All of these and other important questions require considerable research and professional analysis. 

This project initially started in Nibley City where recreation programs have increased dramatically and have included significant participation from surrounding communities. Participants started asking, "What can we do through the long winters or after dark?" Nibley citizens made it clear in June of 2024 that they are interested in indoor recreation space and that they want to include our friends from other communities to potentially combine resources and expand possibilities. So Nibley City approached surrounding communities to explore the question. Accordingly, the South Cache Valley Recreation Study Project was created and includes multiple communities interested in a possible shared indoor recreation space. This project aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the need, feasibility, and potential benefits of an indoor recreation and wellness center for the residents of our valley.  


Your participation and involvement in sharing your thoughts and feedback are critical in answering these and other important questions.  

What can you do?

Take The Survey 

You are in the driver seat for this project, and the more that participate the more likely we are to get this right for everyone.  Share your interests and priorities to shape what a center would potentially include.  

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Evaluate Concepts 

Once data is collected several concepts of a recreation center design will be created for your review.  Priorities and costs will be considered in a final design.


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Attend a Meeting 

Focus groups and public meetings will be an opportunity to share your thoughts, feedback, and questions with public officials, the project consultants, and fellow Cache Valley residents. To be announced.  To receive notice go to:  STAY INFORMED

Project Coordinator: Chad  Wright

Tel: 435-752-0431

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